
Friday 18 August 2017


IALT:Create a poster to inform the younger generation to do what is expected while walking through the corridors.

Today I have completed a poster to make sure that people do what is expected while walking through the hallways.I think people should walk quietly through the corridors with respect because the teachers might be giving instruction to their classroom and they might not hear it.

Something that I have learnt is that walking quietly through the corridors and not throwing rubbish on the floor means you care about our work space and others and it tells other that you take care of yours and others belongings and something else that I have learnt is that if you want to be heard you have to be quiet as a mouse sometimes.

A challenge that I have faced while doing this task is talking about how we need to remind people have to walk and act while walking up and down the corridors.Some expectations for walking up and down the corridors are:Don't run up and down the corridors you might be disturbing other classrooms and another expectation is to walk quietly at all times.
Also you need to set an example for the younger generation so they know what is expected at all times.

Thankyou for reading my reflection on how to act while walking through the corridors please leave some advice for me for example feedback or feedforward and please,please feel free to leave a comment.

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