
Thursday 27 October 2016

Technology reflection

    W.A.L.T:Write a reflection on what we learnt at technology
   Today at technology In 3D i drawn 4 pictures and choose the main picture and trace it on a medium carboard if i had any mistakes commet on my blog thanks

Music reflection

W.A.L.T:Write a reflection on what we just learnt in music.

In music today we had a exam and we had to fill out some question in the entire exam there were about thirty question and by the time i finished filling out the question it was time to mark so Mark my buddys answers and he got 15 out of 30 and I gave his music book back to him and he gave his music book back to me and then i looked on my book were the question were and it said I got a score of 21 out of 21.
give me feedback or feedforward on my blog to comment click on the link

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Christmas celebration

W.A.L.T:choose a celebration and create 10 slides and fill them out


W.A.L.T:Choose a article on the internet and do a reflection on the article that you have just read. Yes!!finally one of our New Zealand teams has beaten Australia i knew that The undefeated team would win against The Wallabies and The Australian Rugby union team hasn't beaten All blacks in about 113 years

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Independent research project

I am learning to create questions and answer them
This is a google presentation about tupac shakur if you wanted to find out facts about him here they are
click on the link and comment  and give me feedback and feedforward thanks.

Friday 21 October 2016

Oakley creek follow up task.

W.A.L.T:Write about the text that we red and explain and use key words what we red in the text

Monday 17 October 2016

KiwiCan Reflection

W.A.L.T:Write a reflection on what we have just learnt in Kiwi Can

Reflection on Kiwi sports

  1. Walt:Reflect on was we just learnt in kiwi sports(Basketball)
  2. When you shoot the ball into the hoop your four fingers has to be pointing down and your thump left ?
  3. yes ( I choose yes because the instructor said When someone accidentally pushes you over you still you still carry on if you are the last person it is not embarrassing its life and you will get pushed over lots of times in your courier and you have to live through it
  4. Marco And Marlic

Thursday 13 October 2016

Music reflection.

WALT:Reflect on what we have just done in our music session

During music we did a performance piece we did lid spins, flip your drum stick and wack it on the other person's drumstick and we did Hi-fives dabs and the pirate and sometimes during music I drop my stick when I'm hitting the drumstick on the bin and when I'm doing the lid spin my lid drops because i'm not spinning the lid fast and hard enough with my drum stick and we learnt about a shuffle beat and a straight beat a shuffle beat is a beat that goes short,long,short,long and a straight beat is any lower straight,three of a kind and so on.
If you have any question please click on the link and give me feedback or feedforward about my work.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Facts about Mali

W.A.L.T:Reserch facts about the country city continent or state we have been give write as many interesting facts as you can

Today I was working on my S.S.R task the country we had to search up was Mali i wrote about 5 to 10
facts and if you wanted a fact about Mali it was found on the 22end of september 1960
and if you are really into this county you find more facts on my google presentation
click on the link and comment to give feed and feedforward.

Facts about utah

W.A.L.T:Reserch facts about the country city coninet or state we have been give write as many insresting facts as you can

Refletion on reading

     WALT: I can evaluate and
integrate ideas and information across a few texts.
 Success criteria :I can understand what texts mean by trying to retell the text in our own words.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Jamaica Facts.

W.A.L.T:Reserch facts about the country city coninet or state we have been give write as many insresting facts as you can

Monday 10 October 2016

Algeria Facts

WALT:Write as many facts as you can about the country or city or continent the teacher has give my topic is Algeria these are my facts there

Maths reflection

Walt:Try and make number up to 12 make twenty four and if you have used one number in one column you can't use it again and some numbers you do not need to use.

i solved the maths quiz by using my 2, 3,5 and 12 times tables and addition to figure it out my number i came up with to solve the maths quizz where 11 6 7 in the first column in the second column was 12 8 4 and in the last column the numbers were 9 10 5.

i was using my time tables and additon to make sure my answers added up to 24 and when triple cheeked my maths work and i had a buddy cheek with my friend and we had the same numbers but they were the other way around we got confused in the second column but we figured it out in the end