
Friday 1 December 2017

Wonder movie reflection.!

IALT:Reflect on a movie that we have studied about.

We have studied and read the book wonder for the last two terms.Today the 1'st of december we went to watch the movie.A short summary about the book wonder.There is a boy his name is auggie pullman he was treacher collins syndrome.He thought that he wasn't a ordinary kid but when he was going to school he started to each day that no child/kid is ordinary they are just themselves.

Something I enjoyed about the movie is how auggie met jackwill.Because he wasn't being nice at the start but jackwill realized that auggie was pretty funny and he was a good friend.
One part in the movie that I liked is when auggie stood his ground when these seventh graders stepped him out.As he saw Jack will get pushed he stood for himself and his friend.

Some key messages I think really stood out and was really thought about was when Auggie's sister oliver "Via said you can't blend in when you were born to stand out.
Another key message was "If you had the choice between being right and being kind choose kind.

(Real wonder boy:Nathaniel)

(Wonder boy actor:jacob tremblay)

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